Tuesday, November 5, 2013

A cure for insomnia that will make you wish you didn't have to be awake later...

Three parts vodka and three parts whiskey, Add a shot of rum just to make sure you get tipsy. Mix it all together and then drink it all up, Keep your eyes closed and I bet you wont wake up.

Friday, September 6, 2013

Midnight contemplations

Mixing dough for bread tomorrow; A quiet night interrupted by the rain; Soothing calm in the tropics

Friday, August 23, 2013

Scum eaters

Food blogger are like bottom feeders. As long as you ply them with free meals, they won't care if what they get is the expensive fish food meant for the fishes that swim above them that happened to sink to the bottom, or the feces from those said fish... they'll still say it tastes amazing all the same.