Thursday, December 25, 2008

Internal conversations

There are those moments that you can't seem to separate your emotional desire from the reality which is presented before you. Even though you know something is not within your reach and quite possibly, will never be, somehow the heart and head can't seem to agree that which is the truth.

The heart keeps protesting that the brain is lying, yet the brain can do nothing else but tell the heart it's only telling it as it is for its own good. Someday the heart will understand, but for now it can't stop feeling more than just a bit lost and without direction, clinging onto a hope which never existed in the first place. It feels a little bitter about how it turned out, but mostly it just wishes things could have been different.

The brain understands how the heart feels, yet can offer nothing more than small words of comfort, that it isn't as bad as it seems to be, and that embracing reality is perhaps more logical than continuing one's fantasy.

So the heart may still be sad, but at least it knows it has the support of mr. cranium, and knows that it should hang on for now and sometime later, move on.

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