Monday, May 25, 2009

Dissing and stereotyping the southern neighbour...

Should I, oh should I, go to Singapore?
There is Katong laksa and Geylang whores.

There's efficient transportation with the MRT.
Though why is one station called Clementi?

Not like MM LKY would show any leniency,
To those who speak out in the name of democracy! (*I sue you!*)

But then those people down south are all damn si beh kiasu!
And say stuff like "wah seh!", "wah piang!" and "wah lao eh!" too!

No littering? And what's this!? No chewing gum!?
Us Malaysians will surely leave with sore bum.

6 percent from their taps, used to be crap.
Do the ERPs also double up as speed traps?

Not that I would worry since I would have no car,
To pick up SPGs at all those expat bars.

Though maybe we aren't that different, we might just be the same,
Because when things go wrong, we all say "government's to blame!"

We have our Kenny Sia, they have their Xiaxue and Dawn,
Which Singaporean ah bengs all just adore and fawn.

What is our roti canai is their roti prata,
And neither of us would be caught buying shoes at Bata.

The hawker food's not bad, also has a bit of "class".
Though Penang food will always kick their sorry ass!

Ah Singapore, oh Singapore, maybe it won't be so bad,
To work crazy long hours and go completely mad!


catcha said...

Singapore is good
Those people keep us Malaysians in check
Also it's the place to earn decent money while stay close to home

ginchee said...

hahahahahaha.. love tis!! esp the 'blaming govt' bit~! ^_______^