Saturday, July 4, 2009

Optimistically cynical...

I think as people get older, as their insecurities start to creep up on them upon being ejected out into the real world, often the natural response is to be cynical about the future. To be of the opinion that whatever's outside is inherently bad and that no amount of optimism in life can change that fact.

There are of course, many things wrong with the way things are in the world today. But there are likely just as many things which are right. And there are also a lot of people willing to do what it takes to solve what is wrong so those things can be as close to being right as possible. Not a lot of people choose to hold the latter two views for a very long time.

It is a lot easier to see what is wrong and dismiss it. It is a lot harder to see what is wrong and try to fix it.

It is a lot easier to see what is right and dismiss it as a fluke. It is a lot harder to see what is right as the sum of the continued perseverance of those who chose not to give up.

At the end of the day, being cynical yet unwilling to do our own bit is essentially hypocritical. Being cynical but willing to do our bit will drive us insane eventually.

Being optimistic but unwilling to do anything makes one pretty annoyingly cheery. Being optimistic yet still willing to something makes one a bit brave but naive.

But if we're able to see what is wrong and right in front of us, make our best judgments in the next steps and consider carefully what lies ahead and beyond while keeping an optimistic outlook, then maybe, just maybe we will be able - to do it right.

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