Thursday, July 23, 2009

To take is easy, to give...

Often I have found that I have managed to help others more than I have helped myself. I have shared opportunities with others who have now received even more of which I initially hoped to have as my own. It is a conflicting emotion, to help others who have not had to work as hard to get the things you yourself wanted before, and which they often take for granted when they have it.

Though the last thing that they have received may not be something you would have gotten in their place in any case, you feel a slight resentment for the ease at which they collect the fruits fallen from the tree you have spent hours climbing to seek the ones on the highest bow, and in trying to reach shook it so much that caused the coveted fruit, as well as the ones you passed on your way up, to fall to the floor.

There is temptation to abandon the values which have led you to doing what you've always considered to be 'the right thing'. Yet, to abandon such values would essential separate you from your current being of existence, and could only take you towards a path less virtuous that many thread yet journey unscathed. It confuses you that it could be so, for you've always believed that those pure of heart would always endure towards the end. Maybe they do endure, but not without a decent amount of suffering.

Often those who choose the other route do not have to face such suffering because they do not share what they have in plenty, whereas those who have little suffer because they share when they themselves have not.

Nevertheless, it brightens a part of you that you have helped someone more than you have helped yourself. At the very least you have lightened someone's burden. Though sometimes you wish someone would lighten yours. Because you grow weary, and the world is not always as kind to you as you are to them.

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